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We combine chiropractic adjustments with muscle activation in assisting your body to improve its function and consequently help eliminate pain and symptoms.
Other aspects of care we provide focus on enhancing the neurological communication and connections between the brain and the different organs and systems of the body. We do this through Neurological Integration System (NIS), Hypothalamus Reset Technique (HRT), Kinesiology (CPK), and addressing imbalances that may be caused due to nutritional deficiencies, toxicities and other metabolic imbalances. Simply put these are forms of "Functional Neurology" and/or "Functional Medicine."
Tissue Regenerative Technology (TRT) - "The Stem Cell Machine"
Tissue Regenerative Technology has an incredible ability to help with stubborn pain areas that are not improving in spite of the best approaches to healing. It uses Softwave Technology to help with pain, inflammation, poor circulation and it also signals the body to produce stem cells to help repair and regenerate the damaged tissue.
Conditions that have found great success with TRT:
- Knee pain
- Shoulder pain
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Chronic Low Back Pain
- Hip Pain
- Tennis Elbow/Golfer's Elbow
- Wrist pain
- Arthritis
- Neuropathy
- Neck Pain
- Bursitis/Tendonitis
- Wound Healing
- Bone Healing
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Need Help? 801-447-1647